Acts 12:7
“Now behold, an angel of the Lord stood by him, and a light shone in the prison; and he struck Peter on the side and raised him up, saying, ‘Arise quickly!’ And his chains fell of his hands.”
This is the first of several miracles performed by God in this passage.
An angel came and woke Peter up, then God undid the chains on his wrists.
I love this example of God’s power. Normally we see God working though faith and through the people. The classic “Get up and walk,” scene that we see so often is sometimes seen to mean that God only works though people. I’ve seven heard some people say that God cannot work without people or faith.
This is an example of God working primarily without either. Peter did not demand that his chains open, and he didn’t even believe that he was being rescued until the angel disappeared. And yet God was able and did perform a great miracle.
I’ve always wondered about the times when Jesus had said, “Your faith has healed you.” What did He mean by that? Does He mean that our faith gives God the power to heal?
Otherwise, why can’t the man of no faith be healed so that he might believe?
I think the answer is that God can heal, but he chooses not to in those instances.
Many have said “God show me a miracle, and I will believe.” But God replies, “Believe and I will show you miracles.”
The wonders of God are all around us, no amount of miracles will convince people who don’t want to believe.
But to those who have faith are rewarded for it.
I need to remember that God is with me always and have faith that He will either deliver me or bring me home.
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