Ephesians 4:29
“Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.” NKJV
Edify: to instruct and improve especially in moral and religious knowledge.
Corrupt words:
Curse words have never really been a huge problem for me. Though I did have to erase two words from my vocabulary upon my arrival here (damn and hell) I haven’t really struggled with it since the initial rebuke.
However, since I still feel the call to go into the military in my heart, this verse will become very relevant. Everyone knows it is almost impossible to go through boot camp and not come out with a foul mouth. Because of this, I’ve already started compiling a list of verses I will read every day, God willing, in boot camp. This verse and its parallels will definitely be on that list.
Necessary edification:
The verse not only states that our words should edify (that is, to instruct) but that it is necessary to do so. Building each other up in knowledge and morality is essential. “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17
That it may impart Grace:
Our Lord is a God of mercy and love. Nothing we say should imply otherwise. The worse things I ever hear--more painful to listen to than any over abundance of foul language--is the Word of God quoted in a context that tears a person down and condemns.
“Zechariah 8 says God hates lying. Therefore God hates you because you are a liar,” or “because you are homosexual,” or “fat.”
How my heart burns when I hear words such as these. These are the devices of the evil one: to use scripture to wound and isolate and to lead astray.
We saw him use Scripture to try to mislead Jesus, and this is not a new trick. He used God’s word in the garden of Eden to lead Eve astray, “Did God really say…?”
This has been his device since the beginning and we should be sure never to let is pass though our own lips.
Remember also Ephesians 4:27. By speaking what is corrupt, what is hurtful, and what is misleading we are allowing the devil to stick his foot in the door and claim his territory on the battlefield of our hearts. Do all you can to defend your heart for once the land is lost, the battle to regain it will last though the night.
*Keep all words spoken clean and pleasing to God.
*Show love and grace alone, as He has shown me.
*Do not condemn others with the Word of my Savior.
*Avoid the devices of the Evil One.
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