Sunday, September 4, 2011


Ephesians 4:23
                “and be renewed in the spirit of your mind.” NKJV

What is “the spirit of your mind?”
                It ranges from your mood or attitude to the outlook you have on situations. So why is that important? Because your new Christian spirit is a lot different than a non-Christian old man one.
                My old spirit or mindset was one that looked not at the world as something that was lost and in need of redemption, but as the corruptor of my soul and the enemy of my heart.
                But a Christian spirit is one that sees the human race as God does. It sees a man for what he could be and not for what he was or is today. That spirit sees a world in need of redemption and guidance--a world in need of mercy and grace.
                A Christian spirit is one that sees the world through God glasses and does not rely upon the eyes of the flesh for interpretation. For example, carnal eyes would see work as menial and frustrating, while the heart of God would be to rejoice in serving others.
                Paul tells us to “be renewed” in this Christian worldview and attitude. “Be” implies a continuous action while “renewed” means that not only are we to have a new spirit, wee are to re-new that spirit continually. “To Renew” means to restore to freshness, vigor, or perfection.
                Refresh our worldview, return to zeal, and delete impurities, that is what needs to happen in this continual renewal of our spirits. But how? How can I, a lowly and fleshly being take reign over my own soul?
                Clicking my heels and chanting “There’s no place like home” every day certainly won’t cut it. No physical act, no matter how well-meaning could accomplish such a task when I’m so prone bouts of apathy and despair.
                Galatians 5:16 “… walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.”
                So the key to keeping a godly spirit, I think is to keep God’s Spirit alive and active within me. Departing into sin for me is inevitable one way or another, but as soon as I do I need to repent and seek forgiveness so I may always be in that blessed fellowship with our Lord.

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