James 1:4 Santiago 1:4
“Y la constencia debe llevar a feliz término la obra, para que sean perfectos e íntegros, sin que les falta nada.” NVI
“But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” NKJV
Perseverance. Boy I am finding out right now how to persevere. 5:30 in the morning and the only thing keeping my eyes open and is from rocking back and forth to keep my body awake.
But how can forcing myself awake one morning make me lack nothing? I still lack a content heart and a bond slave’s mindset, and how can staying up like this even begin to help me with those?
Well it says “Let patience have its perfect work.” So in other words we have to be patient with patience in order for us to become more like Him.
And what does it mean by “lacking nothing”? If I lacked nothing, there would be no reason for me to persevere.
But what I think it’s talking about is lacking nothing in the form of spiritual tools. When we are faced with trials not only do they increase our perseverance, they give us practical lesson tools for future trials as well. By surviving one struggle we are more prepared and equipped to face the next, bigger trial.
I need to be more diligent in recording my life, especially my trials, in my journal, so I may remember the ways God and I overcame them.
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