Saturday, January 7, 2012

One Focus, No Distractions

Nehemiah 6:3        Nehemías 6:3
    "Así que envié unos mensajeros a decirles: «Estoy ocupado en una gran obra, y no puedo ir. Si bajara yo a reunirme con ustedes, la obra se vería interrumpida.»"
    "So I sent messengers to them, saying, 'I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down. Why should the work cease while I leave it and go down to you?'" NKJV

    Nehemiah said this to people who wanted to destroy him and to destroy the work the people were doing. Perhaps, by the Holy Spirit, he knew this. Perhaps not. The fact of the matter is he considered his priorities. He knew where God wanted him to be--leading the people to rebuild--and nothing aside from the will of God was going to take him away from that.
    It should be the same for us. When we are blessed with the assurance that we are in God's will, we should not take that for granted. We should fight off anything that tries to deter us from that path.
    This application may seem a bit of a stretch, but I need to start preparing myself physically and mentally for the next work that I feel God has called me to.

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