Acts 2:45
“and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need.” NKJV
As these new believers gave their lives to Jesus, they also gave up their earthly goods for the betterment of the church.
As God molded their hearts, they came to lose their lust for worldly wealth and loved their brothers as much as themselves by giving freely to them.
It is interesting to me how quickly their hearts changed toward these things.
I have been a believer for a while and I still have difficulty giving up the passions of the world. I’ve never had difficulty with money. I’ve never enjoyed having money, so it isn’t hard for me to give it up--not yet anyway.
But for me my idols lie elsewhere. For me, it is my own writings.
It has just recently come to my attention that I need to give those up for at the very least this year--or until God tells me it is okay to pick them back up again.
This is going to be very difficult for me, because I am very passionate about my work, but I know the Lord will help me though it.
The one verse God kept using on me today was “… we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5 NIV.
This verse only solidifies that message. The things of this world will pass away, and they all belong to the Lord anyway. I should be willing to sacrifice everything for the Lord. Even if the thing in and of itself is not inherently wrong.
The best definition of sin I have ever heard is “Sin is any action, idea, or promise that brings your further away from God and closer to the things of this world.” For me, writing became a sin.
The reason that verse from Corinthians is such a powerful argument against me is because when I write, I write all the time. In class, before bed, on the bus, even though I don’t have any paper--because I write it in my head.
I need to focus my thoughts onto God, and not on fiction if I am to hear Him clearly and do His will.
Update: (This will make more sense if you know me well.) I deleted all my stories, so my only backups are back in Washington. It is really depressing right now to be so far away from my work, but I know He will help me through it. A year. Just one year. No distractions, and fully devoted to Christ.
My mind has been trying to wonder back to what I would write, if I could, but He has been faithful to give me 2 Corinthians 10:5 every time.
WOW!! Now I know you are serious... Do you want me to delete your writings here? LOL, just kidding kiddo.
Hahahaha.... Don't even think about it. Lol.